Monday, February 2, 2015


Today's Angel Card is Expectancy.

I've been thinking about expectations a lot lately. Other peoples expectations of me... My expectations of others... Expectations make me sad, if I'm being honest with myself. Often, my only expectation of other people is that eventually they are going to go away. Whether it's by ending whatever place they have in my life of their own decision, me pushing them away, or by more permanent means. Everyone goes away in the end.

So how can I have a more positive look at expectancy?

For starters, I can stop having expectations of people. This is difficult, but I want to give it a shot.

Another way to make my view more positive is to focus on the positives of the people in my life - the positive habits and quirks that they have that I can depend on - that I can expect from them. I think I'll ponder the people closest to me, and what positive attributes they have that I can count on.

As for everyone's expectation of me... My friends have come to expect that I will always be there for them, no questions asked, under any circumstance. It's a great responsibility, but I'd rather feel overwhelmed and needed, then passed over and forgotten. I only know of one other person in my life that gives of their time to their family and friends in a similar fashion. I just wish we had enough time to give each other a similar level of attention we give to everyone else.

Maybe someday.

But I'm not making it an expectation. No reason to set up any room for disappointment.

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