Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Today's Angel Card is Awakening.

There have been a couple times in my life when I have had "Ah ha!" moments where I really thought I had things figured out. That I had my eyes opened as to what was really going on around me. Both in positive and negative ways.

Maya Angelou was definitely a wise woman. And it's true... we can choose to be blind. Lately I've been approaching situations with my eyes open. I would rather be fully awakened and see what is coming than play ignorant and be absolutely blindsided by things later down the road. It's definitely a form of protection.

"Awakening" also makes me think of Buddha. Spiritual Awakening. Opening up of the body, mind and spirit to reach a higher level of consciousness. I know I'm not ready for something like that, but I strive to be able to achieve something similar someday.

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